Assumption Prayer Garden
125 Wallace Street, Tuckahoe, NY 10707
In cleaning and doing masonry work in the Assumption Prayer Garden, we have made room for 80 additional black granite bricks near the Outdoor Stations to honor, celebrate or remember your loved ones.
The cost for each brick is $150.00 payable to the Immaculate Conception and Assumption Parish. Simply fill out the form below and return it with the payment to the Parish Office at 53 Winter Hill Road, Tuckahoe, NY 10707.
Samples of the bricks can be seen on this page, in the Parish Office or the Prayer Garden. Send in the order form as soon as possible. We expect bricks to sell quickly. For information call the Parish Office at 914-961-3643.
Instructions for the Form
► Fill out the brick exactly as you want it to be engraved.
► On each brick you can choose up to 20 spaces on each line, up to 4 lines.
► Please print, leaving spaces wherever necessary.